: Words :
Dear readers, I'm so sorry for not updating this blog for almost a week now. I try to find my motivation to continue finishing my works. Lately, I'm not feeling well due to many things. I pray that I could do well because I wanna finished my course next year and have my first degree by next year also. I don't wanna wait another year just because I'm lazy this final semester. I wanna do my best and try to score high like every body else. I wanna have that second class upper for my degree. As for that, This will be my busiest month, so sorry for any inconvenience. By the way, you still can come to my house for this Raya season. Here I share with you my address:
No. 11, Simpang 1023,
Kampung Pengkalan Batu,
Jalan Limau Manis,
BH 1123,
Brunei Darussalam.
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