] Words [
Everything can make us think
why should we do this?
what happened to that person?
Everything will be a question in our mind
is it?!
Everything remains mystery
how could it be?
and everything will eventually disappear
with or without your take note about it
Is it difficult?
to answer all the padding question?
Is it make us different?
for what we are?
Question your selves
do we need question in our life to live in it?
what make us different from others?
Is it our fault?
we are too ego to accept what others have thought about us?
As I surf through the internet,
I learn
I gave opinion
I explore
and make me humble.
As I surf through the internet,
I learn how ego I am once
I gave wrong opinion about others
I explore to get something without saying thanks
and that all make me realize that
I am not as good as I think I am
I still need guidance
I still need to learn more
I still need to think more
I still need to appreciate more
and top all that
I need to question my self
What make me different?
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