] Words [
I admit that I like pink. That's another side of me, my reality. For me, pink shows the inner emotion of a male. It's not like I wanted to tell others that I'm a girlish, but I'm just a person with interest and adventurist.
The above image are one of my art creation to show my interest with pink. Some of you guys might notice that my dear love pink too, but she love a hot pink. Mine is soft pink. That's what make the different. A hot pink and a soft pink. LOLz!
Pink, what else about pink that I like so much? yeah, it show the soft part of me. As I explore my Kin Fariz: The Life After blog page, I notice that my other worlds seems more darker than my reality. Why so? may be because in my reality, I can't access my emotion and feeling quite well. That's why it's different. At one side and a bit cool (I guess) and the other me, a bit darker.
Over all, I love pink (:
I admit that I like pink. That's another side of me, my reality. For me, pink shows the inner emotion of a male. It's not like I wanted to tell others that I'm a girlish, but I'm just a person with interest and adventurist.
The above image are one of my art creation to show my interest with pink. Some of you guys might notice that my dear love pink too, but she love a hot pink. Mine is soft pink. That's what make the different. A hot pink and a soft pink. LOLz!
Pink, what else about pink that I like so much? yeah, it show the soft part of me. As I explore my Kin Fariz: The Life After blog page, I notice that my other worlds seems more darker than my reality. Why so? may be because in my reality, I can't access my emotion and feeling quite well. That's why it's different. At one side and a bit cool (I guess) and the other me, a bit darker.
Over all, I love pink (:
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